Welcome to Inclusive Housing Australia

We are an innovative provider of specialist disability accommodation, with a vision to transform the lives of people with disability.

Inclusive Housing Australia

IHA aspires to be the market leader in the delivery and management of quality disability accommodation under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).


The NDIS is an Australia-wide, government funded scheme that delivers supports and services to people with disability. Every NDIS participant has an individual plan that lists their goals and participants use their funding to purchase supports and services that will help them achieve their goals.

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Specialist Disability Accommodation

The NDIS introduced Specialist Disability Accommodation as one of the key supports for individuals with “very high support needs or extreme functional impairment”.

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IHA is a property fund manager with a purpose to invest, manage and grow a best in class portfolio of Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) to address the demand and improve quality and choice for individuals with disability.

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Trusted Partners

IHA is a property fund manager and specialist disability accommodation provider formed as a joint venture between Achieve Australia Limited (Achieve) and Leftfield Social Housing Pty Limited (Leftfield). A partnership is now in place with Lighthouse Infrastructure, which will help us to increase the delivery of new housing projects and more purpose-built quality SDA in inclusive communities.

Lighthouse Infrastructure (Lighthouse) is an independent, sustainable real asset fund manager, that combines innovation and experience to deliver high quality investment outcomes to institutional investors.

Lighthouse is a leading institutional investor in SDA having first invested at scale in 2018. Lighthouse has continued its commitment to the sector having established a dedicated SDA investment strategy in 2022, investing in 188 SDA homes across 73 locations across Australia, providing homes for up to 400 people. Through experience, Lighthouse has learnt the importance of providing high quality SDA options and effective management of accommodation to achieve the best outcomes with people with disability, governments, and investors.